Collaborative Creativity
Build a creative confidence culture which is vital for methodologies such as Agile and Human Centre Design. Without the right creative mindset and culture, these methodologies fail to deliver the goods.
Play Up
Program for collaborative creativity
Available - online or face to face
The complexity of business in the 21st century demands creative thinkers who can create together to succeed in unchartered territory. It’s not enough to have “creative stars” in your organization - you need entire teams that can work creatively and cross-functionally to innovate and generate the way ahead.
Learn the right strategies for fluent problem solving, for collaborative, bold ideas and for innovation not replication. Play Up will also give your teams a model to test their ideas, so that ultimately only the gold gets through.
This program can be delivered in four modules across two half days for up to 12 people (negotiable to 20 people).
Organisational Benefits
A Culture of Creativity
Play Up teaches your teams a "Yes!" mentality and how to rid themselves of fear, cynicism and the other blocks that stop everyone contributing to your creative culture and the ultimate health of the business.
Cross-functional Innovation
Play Up brings people together from different areas of your organisation to pollinate ideas across functions. This ensures new solutions, ideas and innovations will be workable in your business and fit for purpose.
Quality Check
Creativity is a wonderful thing, until you start pouring time and money into a bad idea. Play Up safeguards your business from bad ideas by giving your teams a structure to test ideas against so that anything unworkable is weeded out.
See what others say about Play Up:
Lotty Roberts,
Head of Strategy and Business Performance,
“The brief we gave Wade was to inspire creativity through collaboration across the wider team of 90 people. Wade managed to convince those who didn’t think of themselves as creative that they were and that essentially we are all creative if we create the right environment and mind set to be so! The improvisation style team challenges made collaboration spontaneous and heaps of fun – the team were in the moment, taking it all in but having so much fun. It was a lesson on how important it is to play and laugh to foster creativity which is something that all so often gets deprioritised in the busy treadmill of corporate life. The team was buzzing when the session ended – which is extra impressive given it was the last session of a busy and mentally exhausting 2 days. We purposely put Wade on as the last segment of the day as we wanted something inspiring and energising to finish on and boy oh boy Wade delivered that and more. He was exactly the tonic we all needed. Fantastic.”
Molly Workman,
Talent & Culture Manager,
Lotto NZ
“The Play Up session Wade ran surpassed expectations. Within 5 minutes, people had forgotten their fears, were genuinely connecting with each other, and not one face without a smile was to be seen. I saw many people from across various teams working closely together in a safe environment, really making themselves vulnerable to each other and having a damn good laugh while they were at it. We know that collaboration across teams is vital to our future success and this program enabled us to continue on that journey in a meaningful and playful way.”